Please Read before Filling Out

1:1 Coaching with Lexi is a HIGH LEVEL 6, 9, or 12 month 1:1 Mentorship Experience that is proven to fast track your empowerment journey as an eldest/only daughter AND make you more money in your business or corporate job.  Please fill this out fully and honestly so I can best serve you, make your Disney delulu dreams a reality, and make more money than everđź’° (while having the time of your life!)

Once you submit your onboarding form continue on to the other aspects of the welcome email.


The women who join this program make no excuses

They are 100% dedicated to the work they are about to do. And you need to be sure that's you. Because I already know that you deserve the world and are so worthy of everything you desire.

But you must believe that deeply about yourself too.

What's your address? I got a little gift for you*
Let's Connect on Socials. Drop you social media handle here*
What is your main goal in joining this 1:1*
What is your big Disney delulu dream for the next 6-12 months? Dream as big as possible with this answer
What drew you to Lexi as a mentor? Her content/emails/podcast?
What does support look like from me? What boundaries do you have that I can honor as your coach?
What is your relationship like with your most authentic self? Would you say you regularly practice being her or you have a long way to go?
You would call this investment a success if you created what result?
What doubt or hesitations came up for before joining and what finally gave you that full body "fuck yea
Can I tag you on social media whenever we are working together

Copyright Alexis Frank