Are you ready to be THE ONE?

You’ve built a business. You’ve made the money. 

And now, you're ready for an even bigger impact. 

It's time for millions to know your name.

You want to be the ONLY woman people call in your industry. You want to share your truth, your story, your mouthy opinions. Unapologetically. You want to be bold, to be vulnerable, and to show up as you, not some curated version of yourself. And you know this is the next level of your growth. But here’s the catch—you’re not used to your vulnerability & truth being the key to your success. 

But your next level of growth requires you to go beyond strategy.
Your next level of impact demands more than just paid ads for $22 products.
Your next step in success will require you to fully know yourself, inside and out.
In order for you to expand millions of minds, you have to deeply expand yourself first.

Your life's work and business expansion has led you to this point. Your soul is ready to dive head first into your global impact, right now.


But here's what else I know...

👉🏽Despite this success, you still feel as though there is more you should be doing.

👉🏽When you look at your filled programs and long waitlists, you can't help but imagine what it would feel like to scale this feeling to full auditoriums and book pre-orders.

👉🏽Your methodical and perfectly strategized growth has kept you safe, but it also denied you of being more expansive and more free with your self expression than you would have liked. Because even though running your mouth and speaking your truth gives you freedom, analytics has kept the cash flowing.

And a huge part of you longs to...

✅ Be the ONLY person people tag in comments as THE expert in your industry for podcast interviews, Youtube videos, and speaking engagements.

✅ Just say WTF you're thinking beyond the strategy you sell because you know that you're more than just an excellent email bitch and content creation mami.

✅ Release the belief that data is bigger than your vision and destiny, and relax into true internal wisdom and knowledge that your global movement is inevitable.

And the eldest daughter who is THE ONE in her industry, effortlessly embodies this way of being, and you're ready for this next level of expansion right now!

Are you ready to....

👉🏽To become the ONLY choice in your industry: No more blending in with everyone else. To stand out as the only expert clients and fellow leaders call for paid speaking engagements and podcast guesting, co-authoring books, and book deal invites.

👉🏽To invent your niche: To become ultra refined in who you help and the epic transformations you have provided them, so much so that literally no one else on this Earth can do what you do.

👉🏽To move from high-ticket to premium service: Oprah doesn't step outside of the house for less than $1 million dollars and that's the kind of energy you desire to embody in your offers. To go from a helpful 4-figure offer, to a world changing 5-figure transformative container of work.

It’s time to take up all the fuckin space available to you. You’ve got everything you need—are you ready to own it and make it happen?

"Don't just be good at what you do. Be the only one doing what you do." 
- Nadine Joseph
Imagine how fucking amazing it’ll feel when you start showing up the way you were meant to and become THAT GIRL in your industry:

  • You wake up every Monday knowing that your inbox will be filled with requests to have you speak, show up, or provide your expertise in rooms you used to just be a guest in.

  • Every time you post on social media, your loyal audience is waiting and engaging for whatever subject you chose to be spicy and unhinged AF about today because you have leaned fully into your vibrant self expression, and it always leads to inquiries.

  • You welcome people challenging the way you speak because you know that is in true alignment with your work and you know that your power is being heard everywhere, and that shit doesn't even remotely bother you.

  • You have a full and vibrant life outside of your business, not just a highlight reel to show people. Your hobbies have hobbies. There's no stopping your fire between book club, pole dancing class, and powerlifting 🥵

  • How you make money makes more sense than it ever has. You've stepped into premium levels of work and you no longer need to fill group programs with 50 bodies in order to continue your 6-figure streak. Hell, most of your income comes from speaking appearances or book royalties.

  • You lead your life and business with undeniable clarity about who you are. Your power and impact is tangible AF and absolutely no one questions the space you take up.

All of this is now possible

Are you ready to claim the fulfillment and fat cash that comes from being the one in your industry? 

You've already crushed it. You've built a profitable business. You've got the proven strategies, the rave reviews, the clients who can't get enough of you. But something's calling you to the next level. You know there's more - not just more money, but more authenticity, more unapologetic self-expression, and a global impact.

But no one sees you as a thought leader yet. You're craving for your words to be on lips everywhere because you have such impactful shit to say, and you know that because of the way your clients, podcast listeners, and social media audience have responded to and thanked you.

And you also know there is an entire identity for you to explore outside of your business (and being an eldest daughter). Ever since you started selling out your offers, you've boss babed a little too hard and you don't have a strong identity outside of being a CEO. Hobbies you've put to the side (when's the last time you read a book that wasn't based on self improvement), interests you haven't explored, and close relationships that you haven't nurtured because you've been so busy pouring into your clients and building your empire. 

To be THE ONE in your industry means to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that your work alters lives, even when you're not present or online in your business. To be THAT GIRL means that when you've wrapped up blowing people's minds with your words by 11am, you spend the rest of the day hiking, eating, or exploring with friends. To be THE ONE in your niche is to radically own your thought leadership and use it to create high paying opportunities that don't require you to sacrifice anymore of your time.

Becoming THE ONE isn't just about external recognition. It's about internal revolution. It's about creating a life so vibrant, so unapologetically yours, that your business becomes an extension of your full, messy, magnificent self - not the other way around. This is about reclaiming the parts of yourself that you've put on hold.

Your expertise isn't confined to your business - it's woven into every bold, audacious moment of your life. When you fully embody who you are - not just a CEO, but a multidimensional woman with fire in her veins and stories that will change the world - that's when you become truly unstoppable. 

 That's when you're not just working in your industry, you're redefining it.

Introducing the
In this 6, 9, or 12-month container, you'll transform from strategic safety to become THE voice that redefines your industry. Through deep personal expansion and unapologetic truth-telling, you'll step into premium thought leadership that magnetizes high-level opportunities and industry-wide recognition, while creating a life that's spicy and fulfilled beyond your CEO title.

Here's what you'll find inside The Ruthless Pursuit of Self

owning your power 

($5,500 value)

What is the impact you're here to make and how are you going to make it?

This is where we dream BIG as hell and lay the foundation for becoming THE ONE

When you first join the container, we bring the vision from your mind into the world and we plot how to unleash that vision in alignment with your body and soul's guidance system. 

Here's what you get:
  • A 60-minute human design/numerology reading that will connect you with your body and true purpose in life
  • A 60-minute 1:1 call with Alexis to craft the vision and map out the execution during your experience in the container.
  • A 90-minute somatic breathwork journey designed to align your subconscious mind with the vision and plan you set.

ditching that dusty bitch

($2,500 value)

It's time to breakup with that scrub who keeps you small

You know exactly what patterns you've held onto that have kept you safe and paid, but have denied you true self expression

When you move into this level of the program, we spend a lot of time teaching your subconscious mind to choose speaking your unapologetic truth over the safety of restrictive strategy (like being obsessed with algorithms, ads, and analytics)

Here's what you get:
  • Multiple somatic breathwork journeys that will identify & release your feelings of failure/rejection/ obligation that have defined your success but still kept you limited
  • Multiple live meditation sessions that will transition you from a busy boss babe into an intentional, limitless, and relaxed CEO
  • Multiple EFT Tapping sessions and recordings that will continue to feed the subconscious mind safety around unapologetic truth

becoming undeniable

($5,500 value)

Now it's time to step fully and boldly into the woman you know you are (the one with multiple paid speaking engagements)

And that takes practice and learning new habits & strategies

When you move into this level of the program, this is where we start to fully implement the strategy we created and you practice showing up as this incredibly bold woman, every single day (who are you reaching out to or how are you posting in order to get book deals and paid speaking gigs, etc).

Here's what you get
  • Multiple live breathwork journeys that cements this new identity into the subconscious mind
  • Multiple live sessions with a master manifester that will show you how to be an energetic magnet for healthy relationships, wealth, and abundance in this new identity
  • 2 floating 60-minute 1:1 session with Alexis to strategize and implement your new offers, business structure, and thought leadership.

being the one

($5,500 value)

Now that you are finally stepping into and embodying this undeniable and beyond powerful woman, how do you hold her energy, influence and wealth?

By being on the right vibrational frequency for all the abundance you want to attract.

When you reach the final stage of this container, this is all about unconditional embodiment and independence within your new identity. Learning how to stay connected to your highest self and remain in constant alignment with the wealth, power, and leadership currently in your charge.

Here's what you get
  • A 90-minute somatic breathwork journey that invites you to physically feel your success, fulfillment, and happiness with this power.
  • A live meditation session to soothe any resistance you feel towards your inevitable & continuing success (this is perfectly normal)
  • A 60-minute 1:1 call with Alexis to create your independent plan of action
You also get these bonuses

Group Coaching sessions & 24/5 slack support

$6,000 value

You’re stepping into a long overdue identity of powerful thought leadership and international impact maker. You’re rewriting everything you thought you knew about yourself. Doing this deep, powerful work requires not just a strategy—but accountability, support, and a community of bad-ass women who are also upgrading their power.

I’ll be here for you every step of the way, 24/5, holding space for the tough decisions, celebrating your wins, and guiding you through those "holy shit" moments. 

But let me be clear: this is your journey. It’s about you stepping into your power, taking ownership of your transformation, and doing the inner work that creates lasting change.

Plus, you’ll meet with me—your main coach (Alexis)—multiple times in a group setting during the program to design your personalized strategy for making more money and living with more fulfillment in your business.

Most group coaching programs don’t offer this level of support, but your growth is EVERYTHING to me. Let’s make sure you have the tools and guidance to create your next chapter on your terms.

Empowerment & Confidence Bundle

$2,000 value

In this program, you’ll have access to a variety of transformative tools to help you move through feelings of overwhelm or uncertainty you'll feel as you move through this upgrade in identity.

Inside your member’s area, you’ll find subliminal meditations, EFT tapping sessions, daily activations, self-hypnosis practices, and journal prompts—designed specifically for this mastermind. 

These tools are designed to support you at every stage of your journey and clear out old programming that’s no longer serving you.

The combination of these powerful methods will keep your energy aligned with the new abundance you’re stepping into, helping you stay grounded and focused as you manifest the life and impact you truly desire.

This program is where you come to become the one

Most life & business coaching programs are about strategy and conscious thoughts, which has been the key to your success so far. That's not why you're here. You're here because in order to step into your premium thought leadership and welcome in your next level of growth, you have to go deeper into your body and mind to uncover what’s truly driving your feelings, actions, and decisions. You know that if you want people around the globe to know and trust you, you must know and trust yourself at a deeper level first.

And so far, the only time you've trusted your growth in your business, it has been centered around marketing strategies, perfect product suites, persuasive copywriting, and enrolling clients en masse into your proven programs. But you still don't understand how to trust your gut to make decisions. You don't slow down enough to come out of your head and into your body and allow that to guide you. Your audience doesn't know much about you because you've haven't been as bold as you could be in speaking your truth.

And THE ONE in her industry creates a solid strategy based on her body's wisdom.

Which is why in this mastermind, we combine Human Design & numerology with somatic breath work, EFT tapping and other subconscious modalities and marry those techniques and breakthroughs with a fresh and aligned strategy to grow your global recognition and thought leadership.

Because from this point on, it's no longer about being slave to algorithms. It's no longer about the ROI on your paid ads for a $597 course. It's no longer about using perfect buyer psychology to move clients into your group programs.

It's about the purest form of your expression. It's about leading with your stories & unadulterated thoughts that move people into their own transformations, and create even more opportunities for you to widen your global impact.

You're already a big freakin deal in your niche. Now it's time to become THE ONE in your industry for the rest of the world to see.

A Message from the Founder
Let's talk about the woman you are about to become!

"When you speak your truth, you become magnetic. When you become magnetic, opportunities find you." 
- Unknown

Klarna & Afterpay are available!
Ready to step into your global impact era but none of the payment options work for you? Join now, and pay later
Start for as little as $650* today!

*Klarna & Afterpay terms and conditions apply. Rate based on a 24 month term. Check their website for more rules and parameters to see if you qualify.

Got questions before you get started?

We've got answers!

How does the program work?
This is a 1:1 coaching/hybrid mastermind program. You will have 2, 1:1 calls with Alexis during phase 3, 1 live meditation session monthly, and 1 live breathwork session monthly. You will also get a Human Design reading in your first month, multiple live sessions with a master manifester and multiple live EFT sessions. You will also have 2 pre-recorded meditations in your member's area as part of the empowerment & confidence bundle, and an EFT session for daily activation and reprogramming.

You also have access to Alexis 24/5 in Slack for support, accountability, strategy and questions throughout the entire program (which is the best part TBH)
​This feels like a big investment, I'm scared
BBY, you're here to make a global impact and have your face and voice known around the world. Part of stepping into that sacred identity, also means raising the bar on the investments you make.

This isn't another strategy packed program. This is incredibly personalized. We spend a lot of time working through your specific impact. Your specific path and all the things that are still holding you back from being that woman.

This requires care, attention, bespoke add-ons, and the best minds in the subconscious reprogramming field to guide you.

Access to all 5 facilitators on your own, in separate programs would be at least a $50k investment. Having them all in one place to serve you, at their best, for a fraction of the cost is exactly what you need.

And if a lump sum still feels unsettling to your nervous system, then take advantage of the Klarna or wide variety of payment plans. They are there for a reason. But the high impact version of yourself, invests in herself without hesitation. So embody her now because that's who you're here to be.
How is this program different?
If you have tried other life coaching programs, you might not have engaged in somatics or energetic practices. You might have only been treated with logical, actionable, and surface level help.

This program is 80% energetics and somatics, and 20% implementation and logic. You energy needs to shift entirely for you to embody the fully unapologetic version of yourself. And that starts with subconscious energy. 
Can I join at anytime?
Enrollment is always open but I limit the container to 15 women at a time because of the high level of work.

Care, time, and attention is paid to each woman who comes through and that becomes more difficult beyond the 15 person mark. 

So if you are feeling the urge to join now, don't hesitate because you might have to wait 6-9 months for the next slot to become available.

I'm not an eldest/only daughter. Can I still join?
This program was designed by an only daughter so I know the complex feelings of holding that role. I also fully understand that sometimes birth order had nothing to do with why you have create success to own detriment. If you still strongly resonate with this work and becoming THE ONE (and you are a woman or identify as a woman) you are more than welcome to join. The principles for how to embody this work still apply.
Here's what happens in the first month inside the program
As soon as you join,  you'll:
👉🏽Jump right into phase 1 of owning your power by having human design/numerology reading within the first 2 weeks and have an crystal clear picture of who you are at the deepest level. Because when you know who you are, you can own it, and that's how you become THE ONE
👉🏽Get immediate Slack support to create a strategy that aligns with your growth into global impact and thought leadership
👉🏽 Experience a somatic breath work session that will uncover and remove any negative beliefs that have kept you from stepping into your highest level of leadership

Whether you choose the 6, 9, or 12-month option, the first 30 days inside the mastermind will crack you wide open and prepare you for the impact you're about to make.

And the best part of this program is, the longer you're inside the bigger your impact becomes, the quicker you become THE ONE. 

The most powerful result you will get
Is becoming THE ONE while being your truest and most unapologetic self
👉🏽 You'll get paid invitations to speak in rooms based on your abrasive thoughts, not your watered down words
👉🏽 You'll be asked to join panels that desire your opinions, not just the strict strategies you've been known for
👉🏽 The book you're finally going to write will have sold out pre-orders because your audience can't stop listening to every detail of your story

Why is this transformation so powerful?

👉 Up until now, your success has been limited to helping hundreds, or maybe a few thousand people. Now you get expand into helping millions
👉 Now you no longer need to hide who you actually are in order to invite success in, your wealth and fulfillment are fully rooted in it
👉 You no longer need to scratch, claw, and fight for every ounce of gratification, it simply exists in your business and personal life because you're in constant alignment with your body's wisdom

This is what's waiting for you!

THIS IS WHAT you fully deserve!

IT's time for you to be the guest of honor

Whether its at the table you've always dreamed of sitting at or as the Keynote speaker at a premier conference, it's your time for you claim your space as the number one invite

Your global impact is waiting for you

You're already THE ONE, babe. Now it's time for the world to hear your unadulterated truth so they can also step into their power, with you lighting the way

Meet Your Facilitators
You will be surrounded by these amazing women that are not only Human Design Projectors but are true change makers in their field!
Brendaliz Acosta (Your breathwork guide)

Following a traumatic injury in 2016, she realized the importance of aligning with her true purpose and shedding self-doubt. Struggling with self-sabotage, overthinking, and fear, Brendaliz overcame immense challenges to become the empowering force she is today.At the end of 2022, she founded Be You with Brendaliz, empowering women in corporate to reclaim their AUTHENTICITY, BOLDNESS, and CONFIDENCE. As a Holistic Transformational Coach, Consultant, and Speaker, she is dedicated to helping others break through internal barriers and embrace their life and career with confidence. 

Yolanda Jenkins (Your meditation guide)

is a wife, mother of two, meditation facilitator, and owner of Santee + Redwood Wellbeing Studio. During her sessions, we'll engage in meditation and mindfulness practices.  In our overly busy lives, meditation offers a chance to be present in the moment, reconnect with our inner wisdom, and reduce stress & anxiety. So let's Pause together!

Tanisha Allen (Your EFT Guide & Human Design reader)

"Àsà" is a Coach, Mentor and Strategic Operations Consultant. She helps individuals find the courage to do hard things in their business, careers, and lives. Teaching success as a strategy game, she helps individuals use their deepest values to create their best outcomes. With her innate ability to develop strategic roadmaps coupled with self-discovery practices, she can help you quickly transform your challenges into opportunities.

Veronique Bennett (Your Master Manifester & Abundance Guide)

Your Spiritual Power Coach, has learned how to BE who she came here to be, instead of who they told her to be. She’s mastered the true art of manifestation and simply calling in the highest version of herself, and curating her environment to match her million dollar energy. Now she’s here to help you collapse that timeline of BEing your highest self. It’s time to TAKE CHARGE of your life, THRIVE in your highest alignment and LIVE in the WEALTH and ABUNDANCE you deserve!


This is for you if...

  • You’ve built a business you enjoy but know you're here for more
  • You’re ready to move your business beyond group programs, 1:1 coaching, or $22 products that rely on ad spend and into premium thought leadership, being a media personality, or becoming a public figure in your industry
  • You recognize that you have become a bit out of touch with who you truly are and you've let business define you, but now you're ready to build the next stage of your business around your true personality
  • You’re ready to be known on a global scale as a thought leader and industry disruptor

This is NOT for you if...

  • You haven't created consistent income with your business
  • You would be considered "an overnight success" and your business is less than 18 months old
  • You’re expecting a traditional coaching approach without the integration of subconscious healing and energy work.
  • You’re expecting heavy sales and marketing strategy. I will help you redefine how people can work with you and how you can reposition yourself but sales, marketing, and messaging is something you should have either mastered, or I can send you to one of my referral partners.

Klarna & Afterpay are available!
Ready to step into your global impact but none of the payment options work for you? Join now, and pay later
Start for as little as $650* today!

*Klarna & Afterpay terms and conditions apply. Rate based on a 24 month term. Check their website for more rules and parameters to see if you qualify.

So are you ready to become THE ONE?

It’s time to become the global impact leader you're destined to be.

Are you ready to say “hell yes” to your next level as a thought leader?

Are you ready to finally know yourself inside and out and lead others through your undeniable authenticity?

Are you finally ready to live your life so boldly outside of your business and create the balance you've put to the wayside since you started selling out your programs?

Now is your time. Today is your day.

Let's create your global impact, together.

Copyright Alexis Frank