What Fuels Your Independence?

What Fuels Your Independence?
As the eldest daughter, you were raised to be fiercely independent, and I love that for you. You've grown into a self-sustaining individual, and achieving that on your own is no small feat. Your journey of independence is both admirable and inspiring.

However, it's important to recognize that life isn't meant to be navigated in solitude. If your independence brings you genuine fulfillment, then that's fantastic. But if your independence stems from a place of previous neglect, abuse, or living in a perpetual state of fight or flight, that's not true personal power.


Your Mom Guilt is BS

Your Mom Guilt is BS
The idea of the "supermom" is another aspect of these unrealistic standards. Supermoms are expected to juggle multiple roles seamlessly—caregiver, professional, homemaker, and partner. This myth perpetuates the notion that we should be able to handle everything without breaking a sweat. The truth is, everyone has limits, and trying to do it all can lead to burnout and mental health issues. It's okay to ask for help and remember that no one can do it all.


Fighting Eldest Daughter Syndrome

Fighting Eldest Daughter Syndrome
If you're the oldest daughter in your family, you might have felt the unique pressures and expectations that come with the role. This is often referred to as Eldest Daughter Syndrome. It can bring about a mix of emotional and psychological challenges as you juggle your responsibilities. In this blog post, we'll dive into three key strategies to help you navigate and manage these challenges: setting boundaries, seeking support, and prioritizing self-care


Benefits of a Personalized Growth Plan for Your Small Business

Benefits of a Personalized Growth Plan for Your Small Business
This blog post discusses the benefits of having a personalized growth plan for small businesses. It highlights how a growth plan can help increase clarity and focus, improve decision-making, and increase accountability within your business. By setting specific goals and objectives, small business owners can make informed decisions that align with their long-term vision and navigate the challenges of growth. A personalized growth plan is an essential tool for achieving long-term success and taking your business to the next level.

What Value Does A Business Coach Provide

What Value Does A Business Coach Provide
This blog discusses the value of a business coach for entrepreneurs. Alexis explains how a business coach can provide clarity on business ideas and help prioritize tasks. She emphasizes the importance of personalized plans and explains how she works with clients on an individual basis to help them achieve their goals.
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