A slick website and stellar SEO aren’t the cornerstones of a thriving business. It's time to challenge this conventional wisdom and embrace your true power a healthy mindset. Let’s talk about the deep connection between aligning business strategies with personal energy types and the transformative process of trauma healing. I critique the monotonous marketing tactics used by high-earning coaches and stress the significance of creating authentic, meaningful content that truly reflects the depth of your work.
Moving beyond cookie-cutter courses and generic approaches, we delve into the essence of discovering your unique business strategy through understanding your human design. This episode is all about empowering you to find your path and align strategies with your authentic self. We rally against the misconceptions surrounding mindset work, exposing the superficiality of typical affirmations and emphasizing the need to address subconscious blocks for true transformation and success.
Embracing a mindset where money flows effortlessly is not about idolizing successful figures but creating offers that resonate with your personal passion. This journey is about cultivating genuine success without the burden of external benchmarks. Connect with me as I share my excitement and gratitude for our ongoing journey, inviting you to engage with me on social media. Let’s reclaim your power and unlock the financial growth you’ve always dreamed of, one genuine connection at a time.
Episode Highlights:
Reclaiming Power and Creating Money:
High-earning coaches use homogeneity in marketing tactics, amnd often promote overpriced courses with limited transformative value. The true cornerstone of a successful business is a healthy mindset that detaches self-worth from business outcomes.
High-earning coaches use homogeneity in marketing tactics, amnd often promote overpriced courses with limited transformative value. The true cornerstone of a successful business is a healthy mindset that detaches self-worth from business outcomes.
Discover Your Personal Business Strategy:
No more relying on cookie-cutter courses and generic strategies. We need to emphasize the significance of understanding your human design to guide interactions and business strategies. This personalized approach empowers entrepreneurs to discover their potential and align strategies with their authentic selves. A misconception is that tackling deep subconscious blocks will help bring meaningful change. For instance, entrepreneurs are encouraged to explore their human design for a more personalized business strategy.
No more relying on cookie-cutter courses and generic strategies. We need to emphasize the significance of understanding your human design to guide interactions and business strategies. This personalized approach empowers entrepreneurs to discover their potential and align strategies with their authentic selves. A misconception is that tackling deep subconscious blocks will help bring meaningful change. For instance, entrepreneurs are encouraged to explore their human design for a more personalized business strategy.
Aligning Mindset for Business Success:
It’s important to spend time in the subconscious mindset to remove self-sabotaging habits and unlock success. By practicing somatic and subconscious work, entrepreneurs can detach from and clear blocks hindering success. The focus shifts from idolizing successful figures to creating authentic offers aligned with personal passion, cultivating genuine success without external pressures. An example is to practice subconscious work can help clear blocks and foster genuine business success.
Three Action Steps to Take:
Identify Areas of Obsession: Reflect on your business activities and pinpoint one area where you are excessively focused on something that doesn’t truly contribute to your success. This could be obsessing over minor details like the number of emails in a sequence or the timing of social media posts, which may not have a significant impact on your overall business growth.
-I want you to identify one area of your business you are obsessing over that doesn't truly matter. Where are you obsessing over something in your business that really doesn't matter? Where are you obsessing over something in your business that really doesn't matter?
Identify Areas of Obsession: Reflect on your business activities and pinpoint one area where you are excessively focused on something that doesn’t truly contribute to your success. This could be obsessing over minor details like the number of emails in a sequence or the timing of social media posts, which may not have a significant impact on your overall business growth.
-I want you to identify one area of your business you are obsessing over that doesn't truly matter. Where are you obsessing over something in your business that really doesn't matter? Where are you obsessing over something in your business that really doesn't matter?
Integrate Subconscious or Somatic Practices: Replace some of your current business strategies with practices that address deeper subconscious blocks. This could involve engaging in EFT tapping to release limiting beliefs around money or trying a self-love hypnosis to overcome fears related to business growth. The goal is to foster a mindset that aligns with your personal energy and passion.
- Replace one of those areas with a subconscious or somatic practice, for example, doing an EFT tapping practice on limiting belief around money or trying a self-love hypnosis to release any fears that you have about your growth.
Question Beliefs About Worthiness: Begin to critically examine your beliefs about your worthiness for success. Consider journaling on prompts such as what aspects of your business you feel compelled to do because of external pressures and identify somatic or subconscious practices that can help address these deep-seated beliefs. This introspection can lead to a more aligned and authentic approach to your business endeavors.
- Begin questioning your beliefs about your worthiness for success.
Journaling Prompts
Prompt 1: What am I obsessing over in my business that doesn't actually matter, but I feel I should be doing because everyone says I should be.
Prompt 2: What somatic or subconscious practice can I start to implement today that will address the deep blocks in my mindset or my business?
Prompt 2: What somatic or subconscious practice can I start to implement today that will address the deep blocks in my mindset or my business?
Conclusion: Business success stems from aligning your mindset with your unique strategy, not from chasing superficial benchmarks set by others. It's about embracing your authenticity, addressing subconscious blocks, and cultivating genuine connections that resonate with your passion. Stop following cookie-cutter approaches and begin crafting a business path that truly reflects who you are. Empower yourself by trusting your inner wisdom and creating from a place of alignment, not desperation. This journey is yours, and it's time to unlock the financial growth you've always dreamed of, one authentic step at a time.
Next week’s episode we're talking about eldest daughter syndrome. So much of the reason why you have zero belief in yourself and why you want to follow everybody else's strategies, because you want to be successful so badly in order to please your parents. And that is one of the biggest symptoms of eldest daughter syndrome. Even if you are grown as hell 35, 40 years old, living in your house by yourself you still want to please your parents.
Next week’s episode we're talking about eldest daughter syndrome. So much of the reason why you have zero belief in yourself and why you want to follow everybody else's strategies, because you want to be successful so badly in order to please your parents. And that is one of the biggest symptoms of eldest daughter syndrome. Even if you are grown as hell 35, 40 years old, living in your house by yourself you still want to please your parents.
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