Therapy just isn't enough anymore

Are you ready to reclaim your personal power on your healing journey?

In this transformative, 30-day course, eldest daughters/sons who are already knee deep in their healing process, will discover how to reclaim their power and use it create new and sustainable habits on their healing journey, while making hella cash.

You're already on your way, but you still need a small push to get you from "healing" to "healed" 

Are you ready to step boldly into the next stage of your life without fear of failure, rejection, or the crippling need for reassurance & validation?

30- Day Healing Accelerator
Are you ready....

👉🏽To take your trauma healing knowledge and use it to create permanent change in your life (like rock-solid boundaries)?
👉🏽To leave behind debilitating fears of failure and rejection?
👉🏽To finally fulfill your heart's desires that are always put on the backburner (which also include you making more money)?

You've spent enough of your life taking care of other people and giving your money to them. It's time to focus on yourself.

This is the one addition you need to your healing journey to move the needle
Imagine how amazing it will feel when...

  • You can take a vacation without checking in with your family, first (because you're grown and they're grown)

  • You can finally save money for a house or not care what groceries cost because you're not giving all of your money to family/friends to keep them afloat

  • You can try new hobbies or finally voice your secret interests without fear of backlash, disappointment, or judgement from loved ones.

  • You can finally write that book or start your business because you have free time (that used to go to taking care of people)

  • You can finally leave that soul-sucking, underpaying job and step into work that lights you up and pays you fat cash

All of this is now possible

Are you ready for the happiness, peace, & freedom that comes with choosing yourself? 

Because right now you are well aware of how you allow people to treat you. You've been talking about this with your therapist for months. And you want to take action to make permanent changes but you don't have any idea where to start.

That's why you need the intention setting guide inside of this course. Using this simple 3-step guide, you will discover the exact steps you need to take to go from "aware people pleaser," to "no nonsense action taker."

And sure you could read more self-help books and follow your favorite motivational speaker, but none of those options will help you address the deeply rooted problem of WHY you are feeling this way, and how to remove those feelings of fear, guilt, and obligation. And your favorite influencer definitely isn't teaching you how to get to the paper.

Self-help books are great for motivation but they certainly don't help you take accountability to actually change your habits and they definitely don't help you shift your beliefs at an unconscious level.

I know you're exhausted from not only taking care of other people, but from the guilt that overtakes your body when you make a small decision to put yourself first (classic eldest/only daughter syndrome).

And I know how it feels to know that you are ready for more in your healing journey but you aren't sure what is missing.

And I know exactly how to bridge the gap between feeling stagnant on your healing journey to feeling empowered to change.

Introducing the
30-Day Healing Accelerator
In this 30-day self-paced program, you will put your trauma healing journey into hyper-drive with my Fully Fulfilled framework, so you can finally pursue your deepest desires and make more money without fear or guilt in only 30 days.

Here's what you'll find inside The 30-Day Healing Accelerator

Self-discovery & Intentions

($2,000 value)

Who are you and who do you really want to be?

And I don't mean who your family/friends expect you to be

All the changes you want for yourself are just on the other side of your 30-day journey of creating new habits. Setting intentions is they key to creating new habits

Here's what you get
  • An intention setting module and 3-page workbook
  • An unconscious hypnosis session to retrain the subconscious mind to seek safety in money and abundance
  • EFT Session for self love, acceptance, and radical forgiveness.

Confidence and empowerment bundle

($2,000 value)

In order to release old patterns, you need to replace them with new ones.

Meditation and EFT are key aspects of self-love, power, and wealth creation

You need to include these into your weekly routine in order to permanently shift your mindset

Here's what you get
  • A subliminal meditation to further reprogram your subconscious mind
  • 2 meditations that focus on self-love and responsibility towards your own wellbeing
  • A journal with over 50 prompts to support any continued or popup feelings such as control, frustration, hyper-independence, anxiety, and exhaustion.

This program is unmatched on every level

Most talk therapy or life coaching programs treat your symptoms but they don't dive deep into the root cause of what is driving your feelings & behavior. They lack somatic and subconscious practices which is where the magic happens. And therapists that utilize these practices usually have a waitlist that spans years (who has time for that).

In this program, we use hypnosis and EFT tapping to reprogram the parts of our mind that need help embracing our new way of thinking. We know consciously that we are ready to change, but our subconscious still hasn't gotten the memo, so we have to retrain it to choose ourselves and our happiness. The best part? Enrollment is always open (no long waits).

You've been treating your symptoms with a Band-Aid, when you need surgery. Welcome to the OR 😉
How does the Fully Fulfilled Framework transform you?

Step 1: Intention setting

We start at the conscious level to determine when you first felt rejected or like a failure in your mind. We use that to set the intention for how to you will release that fear and its power of you. We also reflect on why it's so important for you to release. You set as many intentions as you like for the 30 days.

Step 2: releasing the old self

The habits, fears, obligations, and guilt you have developed have come from a deeply rooted place. Most likely from your childhood. Through hypnosis, you will not only locate that memory, but you will lovingly release it and the unhealthy habits you have built to protect yourself. You cannot create a conscious change in your life until you bring up all the nasty feelings and fears hidden at the subconscious level.

Step 3: embracing the new self & becoming a magnet for abundance

Now that you have located and released the cornerstone of your fear of failure, rejection, guilts and obligations to take care of others, you can now step boldly into the woman you know you can be (the version of you that flies first class). Through meditation and EFT, and we will lay the foundation for how you move forward towards the life you want to live. Ready to write that book? Travel more? Start that business? All that begins here!

Abundance is also your birthright. You are worthy of all your desires, simply because you are. So how do we get all the abundance we are due? The subliminal meditations will further reprogram the subconscious mind to feel safety within your abundance (it's giving overwater bungalow and massages on the beach, energy).
You are so used to carrying everyone, but who is carrying you?

You’ve spent your whole life keeping the peace

 That when it comes times to negotiate your salary or a raise, you avoid asking for the pay you deserve. Or as a business owner you keep your prices lower to make everyone happy.

You devote so much of your life to others

You’ve forgotten to advocate for yourself-keeping you at a standstill in both your personal and professional life.

And as an eldest/only daughter, you most likely inherited your parent's poor relationship & ideas about money

Which is why you might believe that money is hard to make or that you have to work hard to keep it.
It’s time to step into your power, unapologetically advocate for yourself and become a magnet for wealth 

 Pay in Full 

(A savings of $2,000)


One payment of: $997

  Buy Now  

 Payment Plan 1 

 2 payments of (1,498)

2 payments of: $527

  Buy Now  

Klarna & Afterpay are available!
Ready to step into your most empowered self now, but short on cash? Buy now, and pay later!
Start for as little as $60* today!

*Klarna & Afterpay terms and conditions apply. Rate based on a 18 month term. Check their website for more rules and parameters to see if you qualify.

Got questions before you get started?

We've got answers!

How does the program work?
This is a self-paced program for women who want to add an additional layer to their healing journey that already includes talk therapy. All modules are pre-recorded. You get 1 intention setting video/workbook, 1 hypnosis session, 2 meditations, 1 EFT session, and 1 subliminal meditation. At checkout, you are given an option to add on 1:1 Voxer coaching with Alexis for the 30 days.
​This feels like a big investment, I'm scared
I get it. A lot of what we've been taught about life comes from a place of scarcity & lack. I used to feel these feelings too. But I want you to ask yourself how much of your money you waste each week or month taking care of other people instead of yourself. What goals and dreams have you sacrificed because of this?

Can you afford not to choose yourself any further? How much will you continue to lose by carrying around these feelings of guilt, obligation, and fears of failure and rejection? The business you haven't started. The book you haven't written. How much has that already cost you? I'm willing to bet at least 3x the cost of the program.

Access to all 5 facilitators on your own, in separate programs would be at least a $40k investment. Having them all in one place to serve you, at their best, for a fraction of the cost is exactly what you need.

And if a lump sum still feels unsettling to your nervous system, then take advantage of the Klarna and Afterpay. They are there for a reason. But the highest version of yourself, invests in herself without hesitation. So embody her now.
How is this program different?
If you have tried other life coaching programs, you might not have engaged in somatics or energetic practices. You might have only been treated with logical, actionable, and surface level help.

This program is 80% energetics and somatics, and 20% implementation and logic. You energy needs to shift entirely for you to embody the fully confident version of yourself. And that starts with subconscious energy. 
Can I join at anytime?
Enrollment is open at all times since this is a self-paced course.

I'm not an eldest/only daughter. Can I still join?
This program was designed by an only daughter so I know the complex feelings of holding that role. I also fully understand that sometimes birth order had nothing to do with why your parents/family/friends chose you as the one to be burdened with carrying them and their happiness. If you still strongly resonate with these feelings of obligation and fear of failure/rejection and guilt (and you are a woman or identify as a woman) you are more than welcome to join. The principles for how to release your old self and embody your new self will still fit your perfectly.
How Do I Know This Program is a Good Fit For Me?
This program is a downsell from The Ruthless Pursuit of Self Mastermind. This is for you if you either having been working on your healing for years and talk therapy isn't enough for you anymore, or if the idea of taking 6 months to completely focus on your healing feels like too much as this time.

And if you decide to hop into the mastermind within 90 days of purchasing the course, I'll put your $997 investment towards the mastermind.
Here's what happens as soon as you're in the Accelerator
Once you join you'll get:
👉 Instant Access to the full suite of somatic sessions and guidebooks
👉 An email to join WhatsApp with me (if you add on the additional support

These next 30 days will reshape the rest of your life. So let's jumpstart that progress!

The most powerful result you will get
Is the ability to say "yes" to yourself with love & confidence
👉🏽 Yes to things that only light you the hell up
👉🏽 Yes to things that bring you happiness, wealth, and peace
👉🏽 Yes to relationships that expand you and amplify your self worth

Why is this small word so impactful as a result?

👉 When you say yes to yourself, you don't overextend yourself anymore
👉 When you say yes to yourself, you are teaching people how to love you
👉 When you say yes to yourself, you become a magnet for relationships that are more expansive, and for way more money than you knew was possible

This is what's waiting for you!

THIS IS WHAT you fully deserve!

Let's get you out of people pleasing and fear of rejection and into the woman who unapologetically chooses herself and her overdue wealth.
And no, another self-help book isn't going to fix this

You can either

Keep following inspirational people on Instagram and still continue to put everyone else's happiness above your own...

Finally make a commitment to your happiness & wellbeing & put down the self help books that have never worked before.
It's your choice...
Meet Your Facilitators
These amazing women that are not only Human Design Projectors but are true change makers in their field and their gifts inside this program will guide you through the accelerated healing process.
Brendaliz Acosta (Your hypnosis guide)

Following a traumatic injury in 2016, she realized the importance of aligning with her true purpose and shedding self-doubt. Struggling with self-sabotage, overthinking, and fear, Brendaliz overcame immense challenges to become the empowering force she is today.At the end of 2022, she founded Be You with Brendaliz, empowering women in corporate to reclaim their AUTHENTICITY, BOLDNESS, and CONFIDENCE. As a Holistic Transformational Coach, Consultant, and Speaker, she is dedicated to helping others break through internal barriers and embrace their life and career with confidence. 

Yolanda Jenkins (Your meditation guide)

is a wife, mother of two, meditation facilitator, and owner of Santee + Redwood Wellbeing Studio. During her sessions, we'll engage in meditation and mindfulness practices.  In our overly busy lives, meditation offers a chance to be present in the moment, reconnect with our inner wisdom, and reduce stress & anxiety. So let's Pause together!

Tanisha Allen (Your EFT Guide)

"Àsà" is a Coach, Mentor and Strategic Operations Consultant. She helps individuals find the courage to do hard things in their business, careers, and lives. Teaching success as a strategy game, she helps individuals use their deepest values to create their best outcomes. With her innate ability to develop strategic roadmaps coupled with self-discovery practices, she can help you quickly transform your challenges into opportunities.

Veronique Bennett (Your Subliminal Meditation & Abundance Guide)

Your Spiritual Power Coach, has learned how to BE who she came here to be, instead of who they told her to be. She’s mastered the true art of manifestation and simply calling in the highest version of herself, and curating her environment to match her million dollar energy. Now she’s here to help you collapse that timeline of BEing your highest self. It’s time to TAKE CHARGE of your life, THRIVE in your highest alignment and LIVE in the WEALTH and ABUNDANCE you deserve!


7-day money back guarantee

If you are not fully satisfied with the program and seeing life-changing results, I'll refund your investment. No questions asked. Additionally, if you join the mastermind within 90 days of purchasing the program, I'll credit $997 towards your mastermind investment

This is for you if...

  • you are ready to add more to your healing journey and you feel like talk therapy just isn't enough anymore.
  • you have intense fears of rejection or failure due to your birth order and parental expectations and you're ready to release those and say "screw it" to what your family thinks
  • you're ready to step into your wealth and power that you know you are destined for

This is NOT for you if...

  • you recognize your feelings but aren't ready to change them
  • you're looking for an easy way out
  • you're not ready to make difficult choices and do the difficult work
  • you're not willing to learn and embrace your true self, fully
  • you're still using low cash as an excuse for not choosing yourself and your happiness

 Pay in Full 

(A savings of $2,000)


One payment of: $997

  Buy Now  

 Payment Plan 1 

 2 payments of (1,498) 

2 payments of: $527

  Buy Now  

Klarna & Afterpay are available!
Ready to step into your most empowered self now, but short on cash? Buy now, and pay later!
Start for as little as $60* today!

*Klarna & Afterpay terms and conditions apply. Rate based on a 24 month term. Check their website for more rules and parameters to see if you qualify.

So will you finally choose yourself
or will you remain on the sidelines of your own life....

Are you ready to release yourself of this debilitating fear of failure and finally chase the desires you've always wanted (that also bring you a 1 in your bank account followed by 6 zeros)?

Are you ready to stop feeling guilty for prioritizing your own wellbeing?

Are you ready to stare your fear of rejection in the face and tell it that it no longer means anything to you? 

Copyright Alexis Frank