Employee wellbeing and company revenue are codependent and it's time to build your operations around nurturing both

You already know what i'm going to tell you

Another pizza party and gifting company mugs WILL NOT improve the morale at your company.

And right now you truly believe you are doing everything right, but you can't seem to keep regular employees, company leadership is struggling, and your business dream feels like it's dying.

It's time to rebuild your systems and learn how to prioritize employee wellbeing so you and your company can eliminate the cost of high turnover and bank more of your profits


How much it's costing you to replace people every few months, or how much time your HR manager is spending with you talking about complaints from employees.

And those quarterly surveys you send out

You cringe thinking about them because you actually don't know how to implement the changes that employees are asking for, without sacrificing more of your revenue or profits.

Deep down you actually really care about everyone who works for you.
You want them to feel satisfied within your company, but you've tried so many ways to boost morale and prioritize their wellbeing and it still doesn't feel like enough.

I dealt with the same frustration for over 10 years

👉🏽Company leadership never listened to new ideas that could increase revenue without burning out their workers

👉🏽The culture felt competitive because operations didn't support growth for every employee

👉🏽 Meetings regularly turned into vent sessions because employees were frustrated with the lack of care and attention to their personal needs and wellbeing.


👉🏽 Your revenue hasn't suffered but you know your employees aren't satisfied
👉🏽 Leadership and management spend more than 1/3 of their time putting out fires or training new hires
👉🏽 You can't seem to find operational systems that simultaneously increases revenue and prioritizes your employees work/life balance

Are you finally ready for a solution to both your revenue/profit concerns and keeping your employee morale and wellbeing strong?

Introducing FOUNDATION
A 6 month strategic operations and life coaching program that will decrease employee turnover by 15%, increase employee wellbeing and satisfaction at work, and drive 5% in additional revenue while decreasing work hours.

Imagine in 6 months when...

  • Your days are spent brainstorming new growth ideas instead of endless meetings discussing training and turnover
  • You look forward to hearing from your employees because they are no longer complaining about the culture
  • Your revenue has increased by at least 5% and profit margins have increased by at least 2% because your operations are updated & efficient
  • You and your leadership team can finally sleep at night knowing the company is thriving without working 50+ hours a week

All of this is now possible


Hustle and grind was never the goal but somehow your company has fallen into that culture

You're constantly chasing deadlines and you find yourself in high stakes meetings regularly

You had a different passion for business and life at the beginning but you're not sure how that got lost amongst endless meetings, slide decks, and Excel charts (all speaking negatively).

And while the company is doing well, from a financial standpoint, you can't seem to get out from under the dark cloud of "why does it feel like no one wants to work here anymore"?

It was never supposed to be like this and I know how frustrated you feel not knowing which direction to turn for answers.

But this is why FOUNDATION was created.

using my 3-step process for operations overhaul combined with life coaching for all employees, you'll quickly return to the company culture you have always desired.

Let's keep it real for a second...

You know good and well your employees can't compartmentalize work and their personal life anymore.

The two are increasingly intertwined and a part of you understands that how much care you show towards your employees, directly affects how well they perform at work, and their level of satisfaction with the work.

(Which has everything to do with your bottom line).

But you built this company from your own sweat and tears, and it was incredibly difficult, and you don't actually know how to change your operations without the fear of decreased sales.

The problem is that your sales will plummet anyway if you don't start taking employee wellbeing and efficient operations more seriously.

You didn't come this far to only come this far

So how do you prioritize employee wellbeing & keep revenue flowing?
So glad you asked 👇🏽

operations overhaul

Right now your operations don't support relaxed sales and drives scarcity and stress amongst your employees

But it's possible to increase revenue while supporting your staff by decreasing working hours

But your operations have to be updated and realigned to ones that don't rely on constant human interface to drive profitability

We do this by
  • Consulting with leadership about current operational efficiency and where these systems become ineffective
  • Reviewing these same systems with lower level employees to understand where they believe the inefficiency resides
  • Conducting a full audit of all operations and reconciling those findings with the leadership/employee consults in order to design more effective operational procedures
  • Full implementation of new operations and processes that will increase revenue and decrease employee turnover and dissatisfaction

Leadership mindset shifting

Most of your mindset in business is driven from a place of scarcity and the idea that there isn't enough money to provide for your needs or lifestyle.

Which is why you push yourself and your employees so hard because you are living in a place of "not enough-ness."

So you have to release that scarcity mindset in order to no longer project those fears onto your staff and so that they no longer reflect in your processes

We do this by
  • Speaking with company leadership individually & as a unit to discover the main triggers of the scarcity
  • Formulating a somatic practice and life coaching plan to support the breaking down of these beliefs that are driving the stress of company leadership
  • Implementing regular somatic practice, bi- weekly coaching combined with the operations overhaul to end the cycle of scarcity & hustle within the organization.

employee mindset shifting

Many employees disregard their own wellbeing for their employer because they are not taught boundaries. They only know people pleasing and self sacrifice.

Even though that has been an expectation from company leadership, it is the number one driver of turnover and burnout.

So we need to determine the beliefs of lower level employees that make them feel that their work is more important than their health and wellbeing.

We do this by
  • Speaking with lower level employees individually & as a unit to discover their main triggers of people pleasing and self sacrifice
  • Formulating a somatic practice and coaching plan to support the breakdown of these beliefs that are the main causes of burnout and turnover
  • Implementing regular somatic practice & bi-weekly coaching combined with the operations overhaul to end the burnout and turnover within the organization
Call out the pain you just uncovered, reassure them you've got the solution. 
Here's what you'll find inside (YOUR PROGRAM OR PRODUCT NAME)

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How we're different from other things they've seen / that are out there
What this will do for you
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These results are waiting for you...

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 Payment Plan 2 

 X payments of (list price of your program divided by X) 

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  Buy Now  

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👉 Bonuses

You will walk away with...
How will they feel when they're done with your program?
👉 Feeling 1
👉 Feeling 2

And you will have 

👉 Outcome
👉 Outcome
👉 Outcome

This is what's waiting for you!

Let's get you out of (where you are) and into where you want to be
Call out the DIY objection in their mind right now

You can either
Keep doing what they've been doing, feeling what they've been feeling

Finally make a commitment and get this thing done. Call out a purchase objection here
It's your choice...

I've got your back

Add satisfaction or money back guarantee info here, refund policies, etc. Reassure them you are committed to their success.

This is for you if...

  • desired currency
  • desired currency
  • desired outcome
  • desired outcome
  • READY to get/do/be/have those things

This is NOT for you if...

  • ready/able to commit to time, work etc
  • looking for a silver bullet
  • not coachable
  • not willing to learn
  • etc

Client testimonial about something you've helped them do, get or achieve that this program also offers

Pay in Full

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One payment of: today's price of your program

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X payments of: today's price of your program divided by X

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Final call
if you don't do this now, you....

What's the cost of not solving the problem right now? 

If you could have done this on your own, you wouldn't be here.

How much. more time do you want to let pass before XYZ are realized? 

Copyright Alexis Frank