What Fuels Your Independence?

"Alexa: play 'Independent Woman' by Destiny’s Child."

As the eldest daughter, you were raised to be fiercely independent, and I love that for you. You've grown into a self-sustaining individual, and achieving that on your own is no small feat. Your journey of independence is both admirable and inspiring.

However, it's important to recognize that life isn't meant to be navigated in solitude. If your independence brings you genuine fulfillment, then that's fantastic. But if your independence stems from a place of previous neglect, abuse, or living in a perpetual state of fight or flight, that's not true personal power.

Intention is crucial. When your independence is driven by fear and pain rather than power and self-fulfillment, it's time to reassess and find balance. Independence rooted in fear can hold you back from achieving greater wealth and forming mutually beneficial and loving relationships that you truly deserve.

So, if you sense that your independence could come from a place of positive intention, and you aspire to attain more wealth and personal power from your inherent genius of independence, it’s time to embrace that change.

Steps to embrace healthy independence 

Reflect on Your Motivations

Take a moment to introspect and understand the roots of your independence. Are you driven by fear or past trauma? Or does your independence stem from a place of strength and self-fulfillment?

We know that you can do bad all by yourself, but you're not meant to. And maintaining independence because you fear being hurt again, will actually invite more hurt. Life is meant to be shared with others. You are meant to lean on others. Allow that to happen.

Shift Your Mindset

Transition your perspective from one of survival to one of thriving. Embrace the idea that you deserve abundance, love, and support in your life. When you base your future on your past, your past then becomes your future. 

If you assume people will always let you down, then you will always attract people that will continue to let you down. The version of you who thrives, relies on a support system and rests knowing that she is supported fully by those around her. And her sense of independence comes from a place being fulfilled, not being abandoned.

Empower Yourself

Focus on personal growth and empowerment. Engage in activities that boost your confidence and help you realize your true potential.

When was the last time you engaged in a hobby or exercise that brought you pure joy? Again, the version of you that is thriving is taking her independence and using it to fuel her happiness, not just her survival.

You have an insane amount of personal power through your independence, make sure you're using it to pour into yourself.

Attract Abundance

When you approach independence with a positive mindset, you open doors to greater opportunities. Believe that you are deserving of wealth and loving relationships.

Let's wrap this up

Independence isn't about doing everything on your own. It's about knowing when to stand strong and when to seek support. 

It's about finding fulfillment and empowerment in your choices. By shifting your intention from fear to self-fulfillment, you unlock a new level of personal power and potential.

Remember, you are deserving of all the wealth, love, and support that life has to offer. Embrace your independence with a positive intention, and watch as your life transforms in ways you never imagined.

And if you know you need more hands-on support and accountability with putting this tips into action, and you're ready to reclaim your personal power

I can't wait to support you! Laterrrrrrrrrrr



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